
vexy is designed to be run as a standalone application.

Once installed, you can call the tool via the following methods:

$ python3 -m vexy
$ vexy

The full documentation can be issued by running with --help:

$ vexy --help
usage: vexy [-h] -c VEXY_CONFIG [-q] [-X] -i FILE_PATH [--format {xml,json}] [--schema-version {1.4}] [-o FILE_PATH] [--force]

Vexy VEX Generator

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Configuration file for Vexy defining data sources to use and their configuration.
  -q                    Quiet - no console output
  -X                    Enable debug output

Input CycloneDX BOM:
  Where Vexy shall obtain its input

  -i FILE_PATH, --in-file FILE_PATH
                        CycloneDX BOM to read input from. Use "-" to read from STDIN.

VEX Output Configuration:
  Choose the output format and schema version

  --format {xml,json}   The output format for your SBOM (default: xml)
  --schema-version {1.4}
                        The CycloneDX schema version for your VEX (default: 1.4)
  -o FILE_PATH, --o FILE_PATH, --output FILE_PATH
                        Output file path for your SBOM (set to '-' to output to STDOUT)
  --force               If outputting to a file and the stated file already exists, it will be overwritten.